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Wisconsin Dermatological Society
2024 Diversity Award

Submission Portal is Now Closed

The Wisconsin Dermatological Society is pleased to announce the WDS Diversity Award to support diversity in dermatology. Building a diverse dermatology workforce will help address healthcare disparities that exist in underserved communities and ensures the WDS can address issues affecting the cutaneous health of all the people of Wisconsin. Toward this goal, the WDS will support up to a $5,000 award to fund a medical student scholarly experience for under-represented students.

The following application requirements must be met:

  • The student must be a full-time medical student at an LCME-accredited or COCA-accredited medical school in the United States.
  • The student must belong to an under-represented group in medicine. This may include: 
      1. Specific racial or ethnic minority groups
      2. Sexual or gender minority groups
      3. Rural communities
      4. Other disadvantaged groups
  • Mentor must be an active member of the Wisconsin Dermatological Society.
  • The scholarly experience should be a minimum of 4 weeks. Expenses may include direct scholarly costs, travel, lodging, and a salary stipend for the student to conduct the scholar. Award funds may also be used for costs associated with dissemination of the scholarly results; this may include publication costs, conference registration fees, or travel costs for the student. Award funds may not be used for indirect expenses and are payable to the mentor’s institution.
  • The student and mentor will co-apply for the award. Award funds will be awarded to the mentor’s institution.
  • The award period may start as early as May 1, 2024 and must end by June 30, 2025.
  • A final report must be received by July 31, 2025. The student should submit a one-page report that describes their experience, lessons learned, challenges encountered, and benefits to their career and scholarly development.
  • An abstract submission for poster presentation at the next WDS meeting is highly encouraged.
  • All scholarly projects will be considered, including research, advocacy, community outreach, global health, curriculum development projects, and others.



Wisconsin Dermatological Society
6737 W Washington St, Ste 4210 | Milwaukee, WI 53214
(P): 414-488-3929 | info@widermsociety.org

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